Online Research Seminar Share page on Facebook Share page on Twitter Share page on XING Share page on LinkedIn Share page on WhatsApp Copy URL Overall Satisfaction 1.1 Was the content of the seminar relevant to your needs? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 1.2 Was the information conveyed during the seminar easy to understand? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 1.3 Was the overall quality of the seminar satisfactory? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 1.4 Were the skills of the presenters and knowledge of the subject satisfactory? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) Applicability 2.1 Has your knowledge of the Arolsen Archives collections changed as a result of the seminar? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 2.2 Has your understanding of the software OuS changed as a result of the seminar? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 2.3 How confident do you feel about applying what you have learned from the seminar in your activities? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 2.4 Do you expect to be able to apply this knowledge in your activities on a regular basis? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 2.5 Did you have adequate networking opportunities during the seminar? * 1 (not at all)2345 (absolutely) 2.6 Are there any resources you might need to help you apply what you have learned from the seminar in your activities? * Content Day 1 3.1 Presentation: The history and collections of the Arolsen Archives * 1 (not useful at all)2345 (extremely useful) 3.2 Tutorial: How to search the digital collections of the Arolsen Archives * 1 (not useful at all)2345 (extremely useful) 3.3 Individual research sessions * 1 (not useful at all)2345 (extremely useful) Day 2 3.5 Get-together and discussion on first impressions (pros and cons of digital remote access, methodological considerations regarding the collections of the Arolsen Archives) * 1 (not useful at all)2345 (extremely useful) 3.6 Presentation on searching the online archive of the Arolsen Archives * 1 (not useful at all)2345 (extremely useful) Final Thoughts 4.1 How satisfied were you with the online format? * General Terms of Use * I declare my consent to the Arolsen Archives General Terms of Use. I accept Legal notice * By entering the data marked above as mandatory (*) and clicking the “Send message” button, I declare my consent to the processing of this data for the purpose of an inquiry as defined by the data protection statement. I accept Send message